All Assignments are Due Next Sunday 4/26
All Classes will be exploring, learning & practicing Meditation
Writing Assignment - Include both parts on one document and share with me
1.) Please watch the 7 Shocking Benefits of Daily Meditation @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D0-VmFNXmwI and write out the 7 benefits listed in the video. You can write the benefits on a GoogleDoc or on notebook paper-take a pic and email.
2.) Try to meditate by using the Meditation Relaxation Techniques and Meditation Practice listed below and write about your experience. List the problems you had trying to meditate and write about your overall experience each time you practice.
Your writing assignment listed above should be around a 1 pg typed or 2 pgs written (front and back) in length. Remember only share one document addressing both 1 & 2 above.
Meditation Relaxation Techniques and Meditation Practice
1.) First you need to find a quite place, so you don't have any distractions.
2.) I like to lay down with arms to the side, but you can also sit with legs crosses and palms up.
3.) Take very deep breaths (in through nose out through mouth), so that your stomach pushes out each breath in.
4.) Try to focus on nothing as you breathe deep, focus on clearing your mind and think of blackness/nothingness. (this is very difficult b/c your mind will wonder and thoughts/ideas will keep popping in your mind, but focus on breathing deep and nothingness)
5.) As your breathing, work on tensing your toes as you breathe in and then relax your toes with breath out. Do this by breathing in and now tense up your feet and now your calves then relax and breathe out. Keep doing this and work from toes to head until your tensing your entire body as you breathe in and then relax your whole body with each breath out and repeat a few times. I found this website link that might help @ https://parade.com/718010/parade/head-to-toe-relaxation-prepare-your-body-for-sleep-one-muscle-at-a-time/ .
6.) Keep breathing deep and you will start to feel yourself almost floating above your bed. This takes a lot of practice, so don't get discouraged if you keep snapping out of it. (There are plenty of apps and websites that have guided meditation that may help you get started.)